

Currently running 57 Auctions in 19 categories

Shipping and handling Charges

Only items marked with "Method of delivery: Shipping" can be delivered by mail.

Shipping fees are shown in the spreadsheet below. Fees will be added to the purchase price. Shipping normally is effected by DHL on the buyer´s risk. In the event of damage or loss, any insurance benefits will be assigned to the buyer.


Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

up to 5 kg

€ 11,00

€ 22,00

€ 32,00

€ 42,00

€ 52,00

5 - 10 kg

€ 14,00

€ 28,00

€ 42,00

€ 56,00

€ 70,00

10 - 20 kg

€ 25,00

€ 40,00

€ 60,00

€ 80,00

€ 100,00

Zone 1 (EU)
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus (except northern Cyprus), Czech Republic, Denmark (except Faeroe Islands, Greenland), Estonia, Finland (except Åland Islands), France (except overseas territories and departements), Greece (except Berg Athos), Hungary, Ireland, Italy (except Livigno and Campione d'Italia), Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands (except overseas territories), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla), Sweden, United Kingdom (except Channel Islands).
You do not require customs documentation to send shipments within the countries of the EU.

Zone 2 (Europe outside EU)
Åland Islands (Finland), Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Berg Athos (GR), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Campione d'Italia (IT), Canary Islands (E), Ceuta (E), Croatia, Cyprus (northern Cyprus), Faeroe Islands (DK), Georgia, Gibraltar (GB), Greenland (DK), Guernsey (GB), Iceland, Jersey (GB), Kazakhstan, Kosovo (Serbian province), Liechtenstein, Livigno (IT), Macedonia, Melilla (E), Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro (Republic of), Norway, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia (Republic of), Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City.

Zone 3 (world)
Egypt, Kuwait, Algeria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Morocco, Iraq, Oman, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, United States of America.

Zone 4 (rest of world)
All countries and territories not covered by zones 1, 2 or 3.