

Currently running 92 Tenders with 787 lots in 40 categories

VEBEG's Sales Procedure

In order to offer all interested parties the same opportunities, VEBEG sells the goods given by its clients, taking budgetary provisions into account, in the tendering procedure. If there are no trade restrictions that exclude certain groups of buyers from individual offers, every registered bidder whose user account is activated can participate in the tenders by submitting online bids.

You can find more information about our sales process and current tenders here.

At a Glance
Sales are governed by our General Terms and Conditions ex storage location of our clients. Address and contact details of the storage locations are noted in all papers.
The vehicles/goods advertised for sale have been discharged by VEBEG's clients, as they are generally not in a running condition, respectively have faults in function or are incomplete. Bidders are cautioned to inspect the goods prior to submitting bids.
Reserve prices are not published. Bid price calculation is up to the bidder. However, the highest bidder has no claim for acceptance of his bid. On request our sales department will give you an orientation based on previous average results. Alternatively you find the results of past tender sales here.
The bidder whose bid has been accepted will be notified within 7 days by means of a commercial invoice.
Payment of the full invoice amount must be received by VEBEG within 10 days of invoice date. Upon payment the Buyer will receive a release note (Abholvollmacht) authorizing him to collect the goods. Collection must be performed within 3 weeks of invoice date.