

Currently running 88 Tenders with 757 lots in 40 categories

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Sales Programme

  • What does VEBEG sell?
  • All types of moveable material - see Sales Programme.
  • Could I buy a surplus Tank from the German Army?
  • No - VEBEG does not sell tanks, fighter aircraft, warships, weapons or machines that fall under the control of the "War Weapon Control Act".
  • Where are the vehicles/material stored?
  • The vehicles/material are stored nationwide at the given depots. VEBEG does not have any storage facilities of it's own.

  • Could you tell me something about the condition of the material?
  • Only via the telephone which is without commitment. Normally the material has not personally been seen by VEBEG - therefore it is important that you have viewed the material before submitting your bids.
  • When can I view the material?
  • Only by telephoning the depot to arrange an appointment during their regular working hours or the Viewing days (specified dates/times) notified on the Tender.
  • Could I test drive the vehicles or test functions of the machinery?
  • No, the goods are sold "as and where lying". The condition of the material can only be assessed by sight by the interested Customer.
  • Which documents would I receive to re-register vehicles?
  • For vehicles originating from the German Forces, the buyer receives a document from the "Central Military Vehicle Department" which includes all technical specifications.

    For vehicles originating from the "Federal Police" the buyer receives a voided title book (Vehicle Registration Document).

    For vehicles originating from the "British Forces in Germany" the buyer receives a "Certificate of Origin" and a "Clearance" from the Main Customs Office in Giessen.

    For vehicles originating from other public organisations that are registered in Germany, the buyer receives the title book (Vehicle Registration Document).


Tenders and Successful Bids

  • Registration and online bidding
  • You can find detailed instructions in the following PDF document.

  • How high is the reserve price, what would I have to offer?
  • Reserve prices are not published. Bidders can make telephone enquiries for previous sale prices. Price information is available without commitment.
  • Could Social/Charity organisations obtain goods cheaper or even free of charge?
  • No - due to budgetary regulations no free of charge or reduced prices are possible.
  • Could I find out prior to submitting my offer if any bids have been received and for how much?
  • No - incoming offers are kept secure until the Tender Date.
  • Can I send my offer by E-Mail?
  • No - due to Authenticity problems, this is not possible.
  • Is there a buyer's premium to be paid in addition to the bid price?
  • VEBEG does not charge bidders and buyers any premium or other costs and fees. Only the statutory sales tax is added to the purchase price, unless the regulations of German Value Added Tax Law (§25 a) will be used. For goods that are subject to customs duty, import sales tax and, if applicable, customs duties are to be paid (please compare to point - What does the reference to "Zollgestellungspflichtig" mean?).

  • How do I find out if I´ve been successful?
  • The successful bidder will be informed in writing within seven days. Telephone enquiries are normally accepted on the day after bid opening.
  • Could I have the address of the successful bidder?
  • Only if we have been authorised to do so. However, we could pass your enquiry to the successful bidder.
  • Optional bid-offer / Zusätzliche Gebotsmöglichkeit (ZGM)
  • With the additional bid-option “zusätzlichen Gebotsmöglichkeit (ZGM)” we put together a package of all single lots mentioned. You can either submit individual bids on the corresponding single lots and / or offer in addition / alternatively to the ZGM. The bid to the ZGM will only be accepted at the time of bid opening if the sum of all bids for the individual lots turns out to be lower than the highest bid on the ZGM. In this case, all bidders will be informed with the message "sold under ZGM" in their account, the hammer price will be published. But the additional bid option will be offered in individual cases only.



  • What does the reference to "§ 25 a Umsatzsteuergesetz" mean?
  • Value Added Tax will not be charged on top of your offer.
  • What does the reference to "Zollgestellungspflichtig" mean?
  • Goods are not in free circulation. They shall be presented to the German Customs Office responsible for the warehouse. Incurring fees and taxes, normally customs duty accrues along with import tax will be charged to the customer. You will find the relevant address details of the customs service in the current lots.

  • What does the reference to "Ausfuhrgenehmigungspflichtig" mean?
  • The sale is subject to an Export License.